

All children and teaching staff will attend two assemblies each week. Assemblies take place in the school hall on Mondays and Fridays.

Monday Assemblies – Lead by the senior leadership team, the Monday assembly will launch a theme for the week with a focus on core values and national or school focus area. Teachers will then follow-up with related discussions / activities during the week.
  • KS2 9am / KS1 2:50pm
Friday Assemblies – Lead by phase-leaders or senior leadership team, the Friday assembly will focus on celebrating achievements, especially relating to our core values.
  • KS2 9am / KS1 2:50pm
Celebrating success - If your child is to be recognised during the assembly, parents will be invited to join us for the assembly

Attendance – Attendance percentages will be announced and a trophy passed to the class with the highest attendance each week. Each half term, the year group with the highest attendance will be announced and all children in that year group will receive a treat after half term.

End of term Headteacher ‘Excellence Assembly’ – In the final week of each complete term there will be a whole school assembly (nursery ceremony to be held in nursery classroom at appropriate times that day) lead by the Headteacher. Teachers chose a child from each class to receive a Headteacher’s Excellence certificate. If your child is chosen, you will be invited to attend the assembly.