
Governors and Profiles

Co-opted Governors
Name Type of Governor and Chair posts Information on role School staff link member First appointed Term of Office Material interests arising from relationships with governors or school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives) Other governing bodies
James Sullivan Chair of governing body Leading the governing body, key relationship with the Head Teacher. Working with the Governing body to lead effective governance. Emma Beardah 20/03/2018 Term of office from 1 Aug 2022 to 31 Jul 2026 None




Finance/Budgets To work with the business manager / HT on the school budget / 3 year planning / SFVS and budgeting. Alex Epton / Emma Beardah
Susie Roome

Vice Chair


Chair of HT Performance Management

Leads the management of the performance of the HT / Sets Targets with the HT and appraises performance with the appointed SIP. Meets 3 times per year. Emma Beardah / SIP 11/07/2017 Term of office from 11 Jul 2021 to 10 Jul 2025 None None

Core - English, Maths, Science, Computing



Meet with School leads, try to attend and In-service if dedicated to that subject, budget checks, seeing teaching in school and be involved in the review and drafting of the SES and School Improvement Plan. Bronwen Walters / Jennie Rodgers (English) / Levi Wensley (Maths) / Hannah Pope (Science) / Sarah Wright & Abigail Cottam (Computing)
  HT Performance Management Management of the performance of the HT/Sets Targets with the HT and appraises performance with the appointed SIP. Meets 3 times per year. Emma Beardah / SIP 12/07/2017   None




Core - English, Maths, Science, Computing Meet with School leads, try to attend and In-service if dedicated to that subject, budget checks, seeing teaching in school and be involved in the review and drafting of the SES and School Improvement Plan. Bronwen Walters / Jennie Rodgers (English) / Levi Wensley (Maths) / Hannah Pope (Science) / Sarah Wright & Abigail Cottam (Computing)
James Stephenson HT Performance Management Management of the performance of the HT/Sets Targets with the HT and appraises performance with the appointed SIP. Meets 3 times per year. Emma Beardah / SIP 12/07/2017 Term of office from 12 Jul 2021 to 11 Jul 2025 None None
Wellbeing - PE & Sports, SEND, EAL, PHSE/RSE Meet with School leads, try to attend and In-service if dedicated to that subject, budget checks, seeing teaching in school and be involved in the review and drafting of the SES and School Improvement Plan. Jo Glover / Kerrie Chandler 
Pupil Premium This role is to challenge, monitor and evaluate the work of the school in raising the attainment and progress of children who are eligible for the pupil premium. Emma Beardah

Caroline Brookes




Safeguarding The governor is responsible for safeguarding children, they play an essential role in ensuring children in education are kept safe from harm. Jodie Burton (DSL) / Emma Beardah 24/12/2016 Term of office from 23 Dec 2020 to 22 Dec 2024 None




Wellbeing - PE & Sports, SEND, EAL, PHSE/RSE Meet with School leads, try to attend and In-service if dedicated to that subject, budget checks, seeing teaching in school and be involved in the review and drafting of the SES and School Improvement Plan. Jo Glover / Kerrie Chandler
Local Authority Governor
Name Type of Governor and Chair posts Information on role School staff link member First appointed Term of Office Material interests arising from relationships with governors or school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives) Other governing bodies
Leslie Ayoola Community Link Governor / Charity Link             Work in partnership with the local community to represent their views and to work with the school on charity links too. Kerrie Chandler / Jo Glover          10/03/2018 Term of office from 1 Oct 2019 to 30 Sep 2023 None None
Staff Governor
Name Information on role First appointed Term of office Other governing bodies
Alex Epton School Business Manager 06/12/2022 Term of office from 6 Dec 2022 to 5 Dec 2026 None
Andrea Cox          Staff Governors are representative staff members rather than representatives of staff, bringing a staff viewpoint and perspective to discussion and debate. They should not be seen as a 'go between' or staff delegate


Term of office from 22 Mar 2020 to 21 Mar 2024  None
Associate Member
Name Information on role First Appointed Other governing bodies
  Associate members are not Governors but are appointed by the Governing board to bring expertise and experience in specific areas to committees. They may be appointed for a period of between one and four years. They may attend full Governing board meetings and, if they are over 18, the Governing board may grant voting rights at committee meetings.
Parent Governor
Name Information on role School staff link member First appointed Term of Office Other governing bodies
Katrina Benjamin Parent governors are not delegates and do not speak 'on behalf' of the parent body, but bring a parental perspective to the issues discussed.
Understanding parents' opinion helps the board to make good decisions and helps guarantee that there is a link between governance and the parent community.
They are not elected to the board, not appointed.
KUW (Knowledge & Understanding of the World), RE, geography and history.
Jo Glover, SENCO
26/01/2021 Term of office from 8 Dec 2020 to 7 Dec 2024 None
Shani Melbourne
As above information for the role of parent governor
OPAL, Behaviour & Curriculum
N/A 06/12/2022  6 Dec 2022 to 5 Dec 2026 None
Lucy Robinson
As above information for the role of parent governor
Alex Epton
26/01/2020  8 Dec 2020 to 7 Dec 2024
The role of the Link governor is to provide a link between the Governing Body and the school. When Link Governors visit the school and report back to the Governing Body, they help to deepen all governors' understanding of how the school operates, how the strategic objectives are being pursued, how financial recourses are being used and what extra support the school may need to meet its objectives. Without Link Governors, the Governing Body is totally reliant on the Headteacher, or other staff governors, for their understanding of the school.

The presence of Link Governors provides and additional source of evidence upon which governing decisions can be made. This additional evidence should enable the Governing Body to better challenge information presented by the school and also better support the school to meet its strategic object. The role of the 'Link Governor' is not to supervise or manage school staff; this is the responsibility of the Head Teacher and senior staff.
James Sullivan

Chair of Governors

James Sullivan is the Chair of Governors. He has been a governor with Walter Halls for 3 years and has 7 ears' overall experience. He has two children: one currently a student in the school and the other a baby. He enjoys going on walks, running, watching cricket and visiting new places. He works for a large multichannel marketing services group, looking after a large retail client.

Susie Roome

Co-opted Governor

Susie Roome is a Co-opted Governor. She enjoys reading, cooking and sport, especially supporting her two boys at football.

James Stephenson

Co-opted Governor

James Stephenson is a Co-opted Governor. He works at the University of Nottingham in international student recruitment and he enjoys watching rugby league, especially Leeds Rhinos

Caroline Brookes

Co-opted Governor

Caroline Brookes is a Co-opted Governor. She is a mother of five, grandmother of six and works full time as a Manager in the NHS. In addition to being a school governor for over 25 years, her spare time is mainly spent with family, watching rugby union and football and walking.

Leslie Ayoola

Local Authority Governor

Leslie Ayoola is a Local Authority Governor. He is a Labour party councillor in the Mapperley Ward. Leslie grew up on Pearmain Drive and was educated in the ward. He has a masters degree in Youth & Community Development and a BA in Business which explains his passion for employment and entrepreneurship as tools to help communities grow.

Andrea Cox

Staff Governor

Andrea Cox is a Staff Governor. She loves Star Wars, singing and walking with her boys.

Alex Epton

Staff Governor

Alex Epton is a Staff Governor. She loves crafting, running, hockey, amateur dramatics and music and caravan holidays with her family.

Katrina Benjamin

Parent Governor

Katrina Benjamin is a Parent Governor. She recently joined the governing board since her eldest son started school in September 2020. She is a registered nurse in the community, currently studying her PGDip to become a District Nurse.

Shani Melbourne

Parent Governor

Shani is a Parent Governor.

Lucy Robinson

Parent Governor

Lucy Robinson is a Parent Governor. She works for a DVSA as Contract Manager for the Theory Test. She loves going away in her caravan with the family, including her two boys (who are in reception and year 2). Bike riding ad BBQs are some of her favourite ways to spend the day, no matter the weather!

  • None of our governors perform governance roles in any other educational institutions.
  • None of our governors have any material interests arising from relationships between governors or any other school staff.