
School Uniform

We expect all children to be in uniform. We feel that it encourages a sense of pride and unity and avoids children becoming competitive about what they are wearing. Although we would like children to have a sweatshirt with the school logo on we understand that these are more expensive and you may choose to buy a plain version from a local supermarkets school wear selection. Plain versions must be smart, the same type (e.g. a sweatshirt not a jumper) in the same colour and from a children's school wear selection.

You can purchase Walter Halls school uniform from the school office.

Book bags are available from the school office, priced at £4.75 for the traditional style with a small handle, or £7.50 for the satchel style bag.

Card payments only.
Please put your child's name on all clothing using a marker pen or labels.
Although we would like children to have a sweatshirt with the school logo, we understand that these are more expensive and you may choose to buy a plain version form a local supermarket school wear selection. Plain versions must be smart, the same type (e.g. a sweatshirt, not a jumper in the same colour and from a children’s school wear selection). Please label all clothing using a marker pen or sewn on labels.